BBN, also known as Big Brother Naija, is a popular Nigerian reality TV show where contestants (housemates) live in a furnished house and compete for a large cash prize and the show sponsors winnings.

Cameras record the housemates’ every move, and they have no privacy except in the bathroom.

Housemates are evicted weekly, and the last remaining housemate wins the prize.

The first season of Big Brother Naija aired in 2006.

The show returned for a tenth season in 2025 and has since become one of the most popular and widely viewed TV shows in Nigeria, launching the careers of celebrities and influencers in the country.

The grand prize has increased over the seasons, with recent winners receiving up to ₦120m.

The Nigerian media personality Ebuka Obi-Uchendu hosts the show.

The production involves extensive live broadcasting, and viewers can watch the housemates’ activities 24/7 via dedicated TV channels and online streaming.

Viewers play an important role in the show’s dynamics, voting to save their favorite housemates from eviction.

This has been a key factor in the show’s immense popularity.

BBN has faced its share of controversies, including issues related to contestant behavior, the influence of sponsors, and the portrayal of Nigerian culture.

It remains a major entertainment event in the country.

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